City Girl Goes Country

April 29, 2017

This spring, we're moving to a little ranch house on an acre in the country. All of my life, I have lived in the suburbs. Since getting married, the mister and I have been in a town apartment. And now, everything is changing.

A few things scare me. It will be a good twenty minute drive to get groceries and run other errands. Right now, I do those things on a whim because everything is just down the road. There will not be a sidewalk at the front of our yard. Perhaps it's odd, but I've never lived in a place that you can't walk right out your door and go for a walk. Also, so many trees! Wild turkeys roam the backyard. All of these things make me wonder if I can handle the country life. Will I feel isolated and lonely? Where will I go on my walks? What if we have nothing to eat and the grocery store is so far away? Just expressing these concerns makes me feel a bit better. None of this is insurmountable, to say the least.

And there are lots of things I am excited for. The yard is large enough to have a garden, or even chickens one day after we get settled in. The privacy of living on an acre will be delightful for this introverted soul. I can't think of a better place to raise a family. The drive into town may be longer, but it's scenic and peaceful. Perhaps having a drive will encourage me to slow down my pace of life. I also love the idea of our new home as a respite from the world. Being tucked away in the country makes that feel more possible.

All in all, I can hardly wait. There are some adjustments ahead, but I'm quite determined that they will all be worth it.

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