Our Love Story

January 15, 2015

The mister and I met at college, where he was my freshman music history professor (!!). He called me "Miss" and I called him "Mister." I was the sweet, awkwardly shy girl; he was the intimidating professor whose blue eyes seemed to see into my very soul. We occasionally chatted between classes and ran into one another around town... but I was a student at college, and he was a teacher. Of course, neither of us dreamed that we would even become close friends.

We went to the same church, where churchgoers knew us by our first names, leaving behind the student-teacher distinction. Before long, I was playing violin on the worship team most weeks. The mister happened to be on the music team, and made sure I kept coming to Sunday morning rehearsals.

We became good friends as we discussed theology, books, music, economics, family, church, and life. When I finished school, I moved back with my family, who were states away. The mister and I came up with enough excuses to keep up our friendship. A few months later, when he discovered I was going to be in town, he asked me out.

Before too long, he came for a visit. I enjoyed seeing him fit right in with my family. He immediately loved the happy, crazy bustle of my siblings. After that visit, we started writing old-fashioned letters.

Our wedding took place at a little country chapel in Tennessee, with our close family and friends gathered around. After the ceremony, we celebrated with a barbecue picnic dinner and homemade pie for dessert. It was one of the happiest, most peaceful days of my life.

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