28 Weeks Pregnancy Update

April 10, 2017

How's Baby?

Little one is about 2 pounds, and 14 inches long. Baby is mostly developed, and this third trimester will mostly be about general growth and packing on the baby fat (hoping for a chubby baby!).  

I'm feeling...

Amazing physically, happy emotionally, and delighted spiritually. God has been so gracious to give me a pregnancy without any morning sickness, cravings, or other symptoms. Other than sleeping extra at night and growing a baby bump, I don't feel pregnant. I walk 2-3 miles about 3 times a week, and do 15 minutes of weighted exercises the other 3 days. My diet hasn't changed, and the semi-paleo  eating habits have served me well so far.

Currently loving:

Feeling baby move! This week, I looked down at my belly because it seemed off-balance, as though baby was sitting on one side. As I watched, baby moved and I could see it. Now, there is movement nearly all the time. The kicks are not as strong because there's not as much room left, but I feel nearly constant movement.

Looking forward to...

Moving into our house so that I can start accumulating baby things and setting up the nursery. My highly-organized personality really wants to get everything in order and prepared. But there's no sense gathering lots of essentials to store in our apartment, only to pack up and move it all in a couple weeks. Honestly, it's probably better for me to be unable to prepare too far in advance.

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